The artwork for “You Matter More Than You Think” was created by Norwegian artist Tone Bjordam.


Tone Bjordam’s artwork for “You Matter More Than You Think”

The artwork for “You Matter More Than You Think” was created by Tone Bjordam, a Norwegian artist who specializes in projects related to nature, perceptions, and science. She works with video, animation films, nature photography, abstract and nature-inspired paintings, intricate, detailed drawings, and sculpture installations. Tone is passionate about finding ways to communicate science through art through works such as “Moving Matter,” where she creates an abstract landscape showing crystalline shapes and structures emerging from floating fragments of rocks and minerals. The effect is not just one of how matter is generated through movement but also of the emotionally moving impact of observing nature’s intrinsic beauty.

More examples of Tone’s work can be seen on her website at

Artwork ©Tone Bjørdam